

Sowing 'Seeds of Doubt': Cottage Industries of Election and Medical Misinformation in Brazil and the United States 

Amelia Hassoun, Gabrielle Borenstein, Katy Osborn, Jacob McAuliffe, Beth Goldberg. New Media & Society. [in press]. 


Practicing Information Sensibility: How Gen Z Engages with Online Information

Amelia Hassoun, Ian Beacock, Sunny Consolvo, Beth Goldberg, Patrick Gage Kelley, Daniel M. Russell. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 662: 1–17. [won CHI Honorable Mention award]


Semantic Social Networks: A Mixed Methods Approach to Digital Ethnography

Alberto Cottica, Amelia Hassoun, Marco Manca, Jason Vallet, and Guy Melançon. Field Methods 32:3 (August 2020): 274–90. doi:10.1177/1525822X20908236.


Uncommon Futures

David Valentine and Amelia Hassoun. Annual Review of Anthropology 48:1 (October 2019): 243-260.


Design and Temporality: Translation

Cultural Anthropology Correspondences, Fieldsights, June 13.

Hippocratic Hacking

Platypus: The CASTAC (Committee on the Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Computing) Blog. October 28, 2016.

Invited Talks


Making Space for the Future

Exploring Smart City Developments and Fantasies. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. 1 February.  


Care + Connectivity: Smart Ageing in Singapore's Smart Nation 

Care, Autonomy, and Technology Workshop. Institute for Ethics in AI, University of Oxford. 26 September.  


A Semantic Network Approach to Ethnography 

European Commission Horizon 2020 Tri-Lateral Workship on Populism. February 18-19. 

Anthropology and UX Research

Anthropology Alumni Panel: Working in UX Research. University College London. June 15.


Citizen Engagement and Regional Policies: On Digital Citizenship, Health, and "Participatory Design."

European Week of Regions and Cities. Theme: Empowering Citizens. Brussels, Belgium. October 8.

Ethnography and the Internet: Collective Intelligence Insights for Digital Policy. 

Next Generation Internet Policy Summit. Amsterdam, Netherlands. September 28-29.


Digital Ethnography and Semantic Social Network Analysis

Workshop on Delayed Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe: Responding to the Rise of Illiberalism/Populism (Horizon 2020). Krakow, Poland. March 19-22.


Open Care and Smart Cities: Ethnographic Approaches

Anthropology of Smart Phones and Smart Ageing Research Group, University College London. January 17.


Semantic Social Network Analysis for Social Science Research

Techno-Anthropology Lab, Aalborg University. Copenhagen, Denmark. November 14.

An Ethnography of Open Care: What Have We Learned from Two Years of Participatory Research on Community-Based Care?

Open Village Festival, Horizon 2020 Research Programme. Brussels, Belgium. October 19-21.


Participatory Design in Health and Social Care

Image and Pervasive Access Lab. Singapore, Singapore. July 21.

Selected Conference Talks


Practicing Information Sensibility: How Gen Z Engages with Online Information

ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Hamburg, Germany. April 23-28. 

Misinformation Panel: an Ethnographic Study with Creators and Amplifiers in the USA and Brazil.

International Conspiracy Theory Symposium. University of Miami. Miami, FL. March 16-19. 


Reimagining Maps, Making Space for the Future: Geographic Counter-Stories for Palestinian and Singaporean Resistance. 

Royal Geographical Society-Institute for British Geographers (RGS-IBG) Annual International Conference. August 31-September 3. 

Making Space for the Future, Reimagining the Smart Nation

American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. August 6-10.

Thinking Through and Writing about Research Ethics beyond "Broader Impact"

Association for Computing Machinery Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT). March 3-10.

A Semantic Network Approach to Ethnography: What the POPREBEL Data Say

European Commission Horizon 2020 Tri-Lateral Workshop on Populism. February 18-19.


Smart Ageing in the Smart Nation

Association of Social Anthropologists. Norwich, UK. September 3-6.


Bodies of Data: Tracing Medical Data Transfer in England's NHS

American Associations of Geographers Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. April 10-14.

Envisioning the Smart City

American Associations of Geographers Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. April 10-14.

Smart Home Initiatives in Singapore

Smart-Digital-Urban Workshop. St. John’s College, University of Oxford. January 11.


Semantic Social Networks: A New Approach to Scaling Digital Ethnography

Internet Science. Thessaloniki, Greece. November 22-24.

At Home in the Smart Nation

American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. April 5-9.

Making Future Space: Mapping the Imagined Smart Nation in Singapore

American Anthropological Association. Minneapolis, MN. November 16-20.

Hacking the Future City: An Exploration of Singapore’s ‘Smart Nation’ Builders

Hackademia: Empirical Studies in Computing Cultures. University of Luneburg, Germany. August 28- September 2.

Big Data, Big Futures: Imagining the Smart Nation

Critical Data Studies: The Human in the Data. University of Minnesota Informatics Institute. Minneapolis, MN. September 10.

Making [Future] Space

Futures and Ruins: A Workshop on Crisis and Possibility. Duke University, Durham, NC. March 25-26.


Software for No One: Diagnosing Resistance to Informatisation in the NHS. 

FAPESP's São Paulo School of Advanced Sciences on Biotechnology, Biosocialities and the Governance of the Life Sciences. University of Campinas, Brazil. August 11-15.